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2022-2023 Science Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) - Fort Scott

LOCATION: Fort Scott Community College
2108 S Horton St.
Fort Scott, KS 66701

DATES: Each day scheduled 8:30am - 3:30pm

September 19, 2022

  • Title: Science Regional PLCs- 1 st Quarter, Anchoring Science with Student Driven Discussions
  • Description: During this regional PLC, KSDE Teacher Leaders will offer a deep dive into our science standards by providing strategies to help anchor lessons in phenomena and student questions. The morning will provide a scaffold and the afternoon will provide support for implementation in specific classrooms with collaboration from those in attendance.
  • Target audience: Teachers who focus on Science Instruction, Curriculum Leaders

November 14, 2022

  • Title: Science Regional PLCs- 2nd Quarter, Navigating Science Shifts and Supporting Students 
  • Description: During this regional PLC, KSDE Teacher Leaders will offer a look into how to navigate and change lessons with the "navigation routine" from our standards. This will help participants to see how the Science and Engineering Practices can be used to assess student understandings and build future curiosity. The morning will provide a scaffold for this approach and the afternoon will provide support for implementation in specific classrooms with collaboration from those in attendance.
  • Target audience: Teachers who focus on Science Instruction, Curriculum Leaders

February 20, 2023

  • Title: Science Regional PLCs- 3rd Quarter, Investigating Routines and Rigor for Science
    Description: During this regional PLC, KSDE Teachers will introduce participants to the investigation routine from our standards framework and walk through how it can help to determine appropriate rigor for our students. The morning will provide a scaffold for this approach and the afternoon will provide support for implementation in specific classrooms with collaboration from those in attendance.
  • Target audience: Teachers who focus on Science Instruction, Curriculum Leaders

REGISTRATION FEE: $35.00/event day (The total cost of all 3 days is $105.)
Includes lunch and snacks

Please send Checks, Money Orders and Purchase Orders to
Attn: Tierney Kirtdoll
900 SW Jackson St., Ste. 653
Topeka, KS 66612
FAX: (785) 291-3791



2022-2023 Science PLCs (Fort Scott)

For questions regarding the events, please contact:

Meg Richard

For questions regarding registration, please contact: 

Tierney Kirtdoll
(785) 296-3142

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