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Public Comments on KSDE Non-Regulatory Guidance

By Christine Armstrong on 5/17/2017 2:17 PM

The Kansas State Department of Education Career, Standards and Assessment Team welcome all comments on these proposed standards.  Public comment through this site will be accepted until June 16, 2017 .  Your comments and feedback are important to us and will help us continue our work towards our vision for education:  Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.  Thank you!

Revised Draft World Language Standards (PDF)

By jbaranski009 on 9/16/2016 1:43 PM

The Kansas State Department of Education Career, Standards and Assessment Team welcome all comments on these proposed standards.  Public comment through this site will be accepted until October 31, 2016.  Your comments and feedback are important to us and will help us continue our work towards our vision for education:  Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.  Thank you!

By jbaranski009 on 2/24/2015 11:09 AM

Public Comment for Proposed Revision of the Kansas School Counseling Standards

The Kansas State Department of Education is seeking public input on the proposed revision of the Kansas Curricular School Counseling Standards. The original Standards were adopted by the State Board in 2006. These Standards are designed to assist educators as they provide school counseling services for their students. A committee of 23 Kansas educators provided input, research, expertise and content mastery as they reviewed and ultimately revised the 2006 Standards. The committee reviewed other state standards, the American School Counselor Association Mindsets and Behaviors, the Kansas Social-Emotional Character Development Standards (SECD) and the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards. The committee met 9 different times over a year and a half period.

Public comment is welcomed until Friday, April 10th. Please submit your comments on the KSDE website at

